Access Image Albums

Access Image Albums icon

Image Albums is a Microsoft® Access presentation and storage application designed to allow you to organize your images and share them on your LAN. You can store the following formats:- Windows bitmap, Windows Metafile, Icon, GIF, TIFF and JPEG File Interchange Format.

Publisher description

Image Albums (requires Microsoft Access® 2000 or above) is a presentation and storage application designed to allow you to organize and share your images on your LAN. Powerful and yet easy to use, the application has been utilized by professional photographers, genealogists, medical professionals, graphic designers, botanists and home enthusiasts to help maintain quick and easily accessible image databases. The database is user customizable with a choice of image storage methods and custom data fields, which allow logical data storage and accurate image retrieval via an advanced search facility. The application supports the following image formats: JPEG File Interchange Format (.jpg), Graphic Interchange Format (.gif), Windows bitmap (.bmp) and Tag Image File Format (.tif) Version 3.1 includes an improved search facility, allowing you to quickly find and display images matching your search criteria, a new third database mode option plus the ability to create drop down custom fields. Access 2007 compatible.

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